Does Excellence Equal Perfection?

November 2, 2020

A cadet at the Air Force Academy once asked me, "Sir, if you performed a task perfectly, would you have performed it with excellence?" My response, "Maybe, maybe not. Perfection may sometimes equal excellence, but excellence does not always equal perfection." We went on to have a thought-provoking conversation.


A Culture of Excellence

November 11, 2020

Have you ever seen the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, better known as the "Thunderbirds?" Their ultra-close precision flying and daring close maneuvers have awed and thrilled millions across the country and worldwide.


Excellence In Disguise

November 16, 2020

When I was a new freshman cadet at the Air Force Academy, we had to carry a small book called Contrails with us at all times. It was a book of knowledge on the Air Force and the Academy and was packed with a bevy of miscellaneous things. Most of the material was in regular type, and we were required to know that information intimately so we could discuss it thoroughly when called upon by an upperclassman.


The 'How' of Excellence

November 23, 2020

Many of us have parents or other trusted advisors who gave us advice when we were young to help us in our flight through life. It was because they were 'wise and all-knowing,' though I suspect it was more often, to keep us from making the same mistakes they had already made. My dad had his saying, and as time passed, I realized that his were a combination of being wise and his experience of having made mistakes.


Integrity First

November 30, 2020

The first and most crucial element in building a culture of excellence is to develop the right principles. Your principles are critically important because they define your life. They determine the choices you make and the things you do. An essential principle is integrity.