The Profit of Belief

March 29, 2021

The power of belief has been a fundamental part of our existence from time immemorial. It has been discussed, written about, and experienced for eons. Whether it’s belief in a higher religious being and the power of prayer or a belief in the power of positive thinking for self-improvement, belief is a remarkable concept that has affected and guided billions of people at some level throughout the ages. It is ironic, then, that many of us can have such a strong belief in external things we can’t control but lack belief in ourselves.


How FEAR Held Me Back

March 22, 2021

I’ve seen a lot of clever acronyms for FEAR, so I had to come up with one of my own: Failure of Excellence, Achievement, and Rewards. Ok, I’ll admit this is a bit of a stretch, but by Failing to strive for Excellence, you’ll also fail to Achieve and miss out on the accompanying Rewards. The reality is the crippling power of FEAR can paralyze us and prevent us from taking action necessary to achieve our goals.


Life is a Mindset Game

March 15, 2021

It was almost two o’clock, and as I sat at my desk, the familiar fear began to grip me. The sweat was starting to drip under my arms, and I was glad that I had worn a sweater so no one would notice. I hoped again—as I had for the past three days—that they wouldn’t be there waiting, and I could just make it to my next class safe and sound.I was a freshman at Orangeburg High, and the tension of having several African American kids at what had been a segregated school in South Carolina was still very high. To lessen the opportunities for conflict, I had developed a routine for getting around the campus as inconspicuously as a black kid in an all-white environment could. 


Key Qualities of a Great Mentor

March 8, 2021

A friend recently asked me to become a mentor to a board of an organization I am a member of. That precipitated a thought-provoking conversation that spurred me to address the makings of a good mentor. I am enclosing an excerpt from my recent book, The Flight To Excellence, which addresses mentorship qualities.


Aligning Your Principles

March 1, 2021

If you have been following this offering for the past several months, you know that I have a new book out entitled The Flight to Excellence: Soaring to New Heights In Business and Life, which you can order from Amazon by clicking the link at the bottom of this letter. The book describes the P4 System, which I and others have used to navigate through the turbulence of life to get to some fantastic places.