I have sometimes heard it said that the most challenging part of the business is leading people. While it's often said in jest, the truth is dealing with the different personalities, emotions, and complexity of the people that work with and for you can be more challenging than producing and selling a widget.
READ MORE »Many of you have heard about the power of having a positive attitude and the fantastic results that can occur. I have written about the subject and shared personal stories in Wing Tips before. For example, my negative attitude about snow almost kept me from learning to ski and experiencing a fantastic sport that I have enjoyed most of my life. But attitude has a larger context than your feelings about certain personal things, and I was reminded of this fact last week.
READ MORE »You’ll recall that I featured my former employer, Delta Air Lines, and the culture of excellence it has created over the decades by applying the P4 system outlined in my book, The Flight to Excellence, Soaring to New Heights In Business and Life. Of course, Delta is a massive company with tens of thousands of employees, hundreds of airplanes, and a global footprint. One may assume it easier to focus on the four Ps when resources abound, yet the system works just as well in a small business or even a personal environment.
READ MORE »I was on the Delta employee website recently, listing myself to take a flight. It was my first flight since Covid, and yes, as a retiree, I still get to fly free! I came across an article entitled "How culture and creativity saved thousands of Delta jobs." In short, CEO Ed Bastian shared in a memo to all employees that Delta had effectively planned and managed staffing to avoid layoffs. "Avoiding involuntary furloughs in this unprecedented environment is entirely due to the innovation, hard work, and shared sacrifice of our people," Bastian said. In the words of that great baseball philosopher, Yogi Berra, I couldn't help but feel "Déjà vu all over again."